Editorial Services for the Nonfiction Indie Author

You’re a nonfiction self-publishing author who has crafted your latest masterwork. Congratulations! You’re excited to send it out into the world and reap the rewards from all your hard work.

But before you publish your book, let me, John Vias of Author’s Voice Editing, polish your manuscript. Marking only needed changes and retaining your voice, I will correct errors that distract readers from your message. You retain control—you can easily accept or reject any edit.

Why Hire Me?

Visit my About page to learn more about how I can help you.

John is a meticulous editor with integrity. He has a rare gift of discernment. With simplicity and clarity, he creates precision without losing meaning and brings elegance and depth to the writing. He tended to my words with sensitivity and care, polishing my manuscript without hampering my voice. He is highly dependable and responsive. He has my highest recommendation.

—Nozomi Hayase, author

John is everything a writer could want in a copyeditor: highly intelligent, immensely thoughtful about language, keen-eyed, meticulous, assiduously thorough. And not least of all, he always delivers on time. I have worked with him many times, and he's always my first call when I need editing.

—Joseph Matthews, author